Ponds Forge December 2009
(or to be more accurate)
This is usually a big event in our calendar, marking the end of the year and an opportunity to have a drink or two together in the Elm Cottage when we get back, but unfortunately, on both counts it was a bit quiet. Never mind, for those of us that went, it was its usual fun event and medals were won.
This year, Chris brought a team of 5 from Trenton Dolphins which included himself and Adam Bilton from Gainsborough. As there were only six of us from Gainsborough and 5 of them, and we sat together and watched each other swim, I have included their results as well.
Our five swimmers were:
Mike Keeble
Mike Sloan
Mike Patchett
Mike (James) Lugg
Mike (Jari) Goddard
Mike (Sam) Garrison
Mike Sloan
Mike Patchett
Mike (James) Lugg
Mike (Jari) Goddard
Mike (Sam) Garrison
TD’s five were:
Adam Bilton
Adam Butters
Adam (Chris) Webster
Adam (Mark) Smith
Adam (Matthew) Lumley
Adam Butters
Adam (Chris) Webster
Adam (Mark) Smith
Adam (Matthew) Lumley
Only one of “our” swimmers was brave (foolish) enough to attempt this, and that was Matthew Lumley of TD. For his efforts he won a gold. OK so it was an uncontested gold, but he was the only one in the age group to go for it, so well done him.
Men’s Open 50m Backstroke
Mike Patchett did a creditable 34.56 for his 50 back, beating Adam Bilton by something less than 0.2 of a second. Both of them really should try harder as Mark Smith of TD swimming in the 45-49 age group destroyed both of their times with 33.60, winning himself the gold medal and taking my county record with it (actually in truth destroying it, but hey ho, it was going to be either him or Anton Kiss, and it had stood for 13 years.) I was quite pleased with my time of 37.63, being my best time in 2009, but that isn’t saying a lot when you consider what the other times were; anyway, a gold for my troubles.
Men’s Open 100m Butterfly
Chris Webster is getting quite blasé about the 100m fly now, having completed the 200m earlier this year. He won himself a gold medal in a time of 1:07.24. Again the medal was uncontested (do TD do something to the opposition to make sure they don’t swim?)
Men’s 100m Medley Team 100+
I had only originally planned to do the 160+ men’s relays, but poor Mike Patchett felt left out and, as baby Masters were allowed to join in the Masters relays, we decided to swim the 100+ as well. We were up against TD in this one, but were pretty old being only just within the age band at 155, but we came third in a time of 1:01.70, less than 2 seconds slower than the much younger TD team who came in 2nd in 58.99. We were both destroyed by Kenilworth Masters who managed an impressive 54.07. anyway, 4 silvers for TD and 4 bronze for Gainsborough isn’t bad for a couple of clubs from a Lincolnshire backwater.
Men’s 100m Medley Team 160+
OK, in fact the less said about this the better. Actually that would mean that James got let off, and when have I ever let anyone off (remember when Godfrey did the Breaststroke instead of fly in the County championships). It all started quite well, until James that is. We were guaranteed a bronze medal unless we got disqualified. In fact James was in a strong position to win a silver for us, if only he hadn’t cruised in at the end, thinking he was firmly beaten into third – or perhaps he already knew that his takeover was a tad enthusiastic (we have it on video; if we can find a way of downloading it, we’ll post it to Godfrey’s blog). Anyway, so much for the guaranteed bronze.
Men’s Open 50m Breaststroke
Gainsborough’s breaststrokers were all absent for this event, so we had to rely on TD Baby Masters Adam Butters and Matthew Lumley. Adam managed a creditable 34.51 and gold while Matt took the bronze with 37.07.
Men’s Open 200m Freestyle
James swam this one for us as the first of his three freestyle races. He managed a bronze medal in a time of 2:29.22 which gives him something to improve on next time. Chris swam this for TD in a time of 2:21.35 winning himself a (yes you guessed it, uncontested) gold in the process.
Women’s Open 50m Butterfly
Our Sam finally got into the water for her party piece and managed a pretty impressive 33.19 for her efforts (incidentally more effort than I have seen from her in training), and a gold.
Men’s Open 50m Butterfly
This was Sloany’s debut event for this meet and he won it in some style in a time of 32.49 which I understand is a new county record. He was faster than Jari, who again managed a very reasonable time of 33.51, just outside 3rd place. There was in fact some dispute over the positions in this race due to some conflict between the electronic timing and the timekeepers, but I guess Jari will not whinge about for too long. Adam Butters of TD was the fastest of all our fly swimmers and just broke the 30 second barrier at 29.99.
Women’s Open 50m Freestyle
Our only lady (or swimmer of the female gender if you prefer), only entered two races and being non male she was excluded from the men’s relays. She squeezed a 3rd place out of this race in a time of 31.33.
Men’s Open 50m Freestyle
It was Adam Bilton’s turn to just beat Mike Patchett this time by 1/10th of a second. Adam 28.66, Mike 28.78. James was just slower at 28.80. Mark Smith was faster than everyone at 27.3 and won the gold for his age group with Jari in 3rd place in a time of 31.11. Bringing up the rear in terms of time and once more stuffed by Jari, my time was 32.42 and won me a silver for my efforts.
Men’s Open 100m Breaststroke
Once again it fell to YD to represent the town in the breaststroke. Adam Butters won the gold in a time of 1:15.39 and Matthew Lumley came second with 1:21.30.
Men’s Open 100m Open 100m IM
For TD this was the race that achieved the strongest results. Adam Butters won a silver in a time of 1:08.82 with Adam Bilton in 3rd in a time of 1:13.19. In this same age group, Mike Patchett came 5th in 1:18.04 (must work on his breaststroke). Mark Smith, a few age groups up, won gold in a time of 1:11.37 which is a new county record.
Men’s Open 100m Freestyle
Given the number of races already swum by both these swimmers, James’ time of 1:05.62 and Chris’ time of 1:01.68 were very respectable, although both would probably have preferred to have been below 60 seconds. Chris’ time gained him a bronze and very nearly silver.
Men’s 100m Freestyle Team 100+
Once again, we were up against TD and Kenilworth , and once again we were knocked into 3rd place in a time of 51.18, TD came in second in a time of 51.18.
Men’s 100m Freestyle Team
Interestingly enough, our 160+ team swam faster than our 100+ team in a time of 54.98 in spite of the fact that it followed almost immediately after. We won silver and would have done even if the other team had not been disqualified.
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